
Data about professionals and institutions who will be in touch with the Community.
Datos sobre profesionales e instituciones que estarán en contacto con la comunidad.

I'd like to introduce two awesome institutions:
Les presento dos maravillosas instituciones:

People on the Way and Embraced.

About People on the Way:

The work philosophy we implement in our community is based upon the alliances between churches, governmental and civic institutions, as well as educational and medical organizations. This way we have been able to become the pioneers in integrating the consulates from Central and South America to assist the needs of the Hispanic colonies in the U.S.
Our programs are completely free of charge and carried out with the highest quality standards, while highlighting an taking into our attention the areas with the most social problems. From the establishment of the census programs, to the community work with the police force and helping agencies such as the Salvation Army, People on the Way is the leader in community service to our Hispanic colony.
Another important work carried out by POW is the role we have played in the local media. Television, radio, and written articles that emphasize important information on regards to the laws, services, education, consular information from different countries, and youth programs among other topics.
Our main goal without a doubt is to serve our community.

About Embraced:

It's estimated that there are 90 million piece of orthopedic and assistive mobility devices like wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches sitting idle- doing nothing.
Located in Atlanta, GA, Embraced is mobilizing this equipment into the hands and lives of people without and who need it most. Embraced works both locally and globally- with 70% impacting local Atlanta residents.
The mission of Embraced is to ensure that all people have access to quality assistive mobility devices and prosthetic medical equipment that improves the quality of their lives.

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